Monday, December 26, 2011

Swedish Christmas Eve dinner

Here in Sweden they celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December. This is the day when they give each other Christmas gifts and this is the day when all the family is gathering around the table and they eat and drink and celebrate! I am always very happy when we go to my mother in law in Gothenburg to celebrate Christmas. I am happy because i meet my husbands family and i am also getting nice gifts and the food is amazing!! This year i took some pictures so you can see for yourselves!

So, on the table we had ham, (a ham that its being cooked 2 days before Christmas and glazed 1 day before), Swedish meatballs and small sausages cooked in the pan with some butter, potato salad, some bread (white, a darker one that is more sweet with raisins in it and a hard thin one) beet salad, green salad, mustard and some pork ribs that this year i cooked them in the oven from a Greek recipe i know and of course we had also wine, beer and snaps (aquavit).

If you ever have the chance to experience the Swedish Christmas food do not miss it!

Happy Holidays to all of you!

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